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EP24: Coloured Pony Not Exceeding 133cms

Equine Showing ➤ Coloured Sat 26th Aug 2023

For ponies, mares or geldings, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 133cms, to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 14th birthday on 1st January of current year.

Equine Showing - Opening Notes

Entry fee for ponies on line is  €12.00 before 6pm on Tue 15th Aug 2023. 

Entries may be taken on the Day at €15. 

Classes may be amalgamated pending number of entries. 


Equestrian Arena
Ring Area:  
Ring 1 & 2
Entry Fee:  
Sat, 26th Aug, 2023
Start Time:  
10:00 am
Prizes:   1st - €35.00 , 2nd - €25.00 , 3rd - €15.00 , 4th - €5.00
Class is currently closed for entry.