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EP21: Ridden Mountain & Moorland, Large breed pony

Equine Showing ➤ Mountain & Moorland Sat 26th Aug 2023

For ponies, mares or geldings, 4years old and over, exceeding 138cms, to be ridden by riders who have not attained their 20th birthday on 1st January of current year.

Equine Showing - Opening Notes

Entry fee for ponies on line is  €12.00 before 6pm on Tue 15th Aug 2023. 

Entries may be taken on the Day at €15. 

Classes may be amalgamated pending number of entries. 


Equestrian Arena
Ring Area:  
Ring 1 & 2
Entry Fee:  
Sat, 26th Aug, 2023
Start Time:  
10:00 am
Prizes:   1st - €35.00 , 2nd - €25.00 , 3rd - €15.00 , 4th - €5.00
Class is currently closed for entry.